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Wearable Technology Just Got a Facelift

b2ap3_thumbnail_wearable_tech_all_the_rage_400.jpgWearable technology has dominated the tech headlines lately, and for good reason. The concept of having smart technology so easily accessible at any time is an attractive feature for many people. Some are patiently waiting for the public release of Google Glass later this year, along with many more attractive wearable technology options being released including Google's Android Wear.

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What is Heartbleed and Why Do I Care?

heartbleedHeartbleed is a major security hole on Internet Web sites.   Whenever you access a web site to log in or type credit card information, the site “encrypts” your data so it is secure as you type it.  You may notice the difference between “http” and “https” in the web site address in your browser.  The “https” means the web site is encrypting the connection between you and the site so the information you type can only be read at both ends, and not captured in the transmission.  The same technology is also used in many VPN connections, so if you connect to a network remotely you might also be affected. The Heartbleed security hole takes advantage of a security flaw in O...
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Is Your Company Using these 3 Essential Tech Solutions?

b2ap3_thumbnail_solutions_for_business_400.jpgEfficiency. As a business leader, this word has probably become a favorite of yours. An efficiently run business results in lowered costs and increased productivity. Who doesn't want that? As you know, efficiency requires intentionality. A great place to start is with your technology. Here are three solutions that will intentionally increase your technology's (and in turn, your business') efficiency.

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The Only Good Virus is No Virus

b2ap3_thumbnail_antivirus_shield_400.jpgThis world is dangerous; there are murderers, serial killers, and identity thieves. These dangerous criminals aside, many people ignore the digital world and find solace in thinking that they are untouchable in their online community. Little do they know, some of the most dangerous criminals in the world exist on the other end of a telephone line, sitting in front of a computer: Hackers. One of the easiest ways to shield yourself from these criminals is to keep your antivirus up to date.

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The Death of Windows XP

XPLoginThe Death of Windows XP has made its way into the forefront of IT news for the past year. We're only a week away from April 8, the last day of official support.  Customers constantly ask whether their computers will stop running on April 9, afraid that Microsoft has hidden some sort of time bomb into the operating system that would render it unbootable after support ends. No, there are no hidden time bombs (that we know about, anyway). However, once support ends, several major things will immediately happen. 1. Vendors will stop testing software, web sites, and devices with Windows XP. Don't expect the latest version of Quickbooks or that new printer to run on an obsolete operating s...
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