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Landlines Shouldn’t Make You Call Out For Help - Get VoIP!

b2ap3_thumbnail_this_is_voip_400.jpgAs technology grows more and more complex, the usefulness of your business's landline is declining. There are just plain better ways of communicating - cell phones are much more portable, and the Internet allows people to communicate with others while taking care of other work. One of the best ways to communicate over the Internet is by using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), which provides the best of both worlds for those stuck in the landline age.

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Complete Your 21st Century Home with a Computerized Communications Console!

b2ap3_thumbnail_twenty_first_century_computing_400.jpgPeople in 1967 were fascinated with new technology. During this era, technology advanced so quickly in such a short amount of time that people looked in wonderment at the future and made wild predictions at what the 2000s would look like. How accurate were the predictions of the 1960's scientific community? Let's check in with Walter Cronkite to find out!

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Signs Your Technology Might Be Older Than You

b2ap3_thumbnail_old_tech_signs_400.jpgWhen we think of technology in terms of age, we often look at how long the machine has lasted for. Some machines from the mid-90's are still running, which makes them almost twenty years old. In terms of human life, that's not a very long time, but if you look at it in terms of quality working conditions, you'll find that these computers are kind of like dogs and cats. They may only be several years old, but in terms of actual age, their lifespan makes them much older than you realize.

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Massive Workloads Call for Multiple Monitors

b2ap3_thumbnail_dual_monitors_400.jpgWhen life throws you for a loop and you are contracted with much more work than you are used to, perhaps it is time to upgrade your workstation. One of the simplest ways you can do this is by hooking up multiple monitors. With too many windows open, your desktop becomes cluttered and your workflow impeded. Stop getting lost in your work and hook up an extra screen today!

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The Heartbleed Fallout

b2ap3_thumbnail_heartbleed_fallout_400.jpgLast week, the Heartbleed bug was identified as a weakness in the OpenSSL cryptographic library, potentially leaking two-thirds of the Internet's secure information from any websites utilizing this encryption style. While most major websites such as Google, Yahoo, and Facebook released patches quickly, it does little to actually remediate the problem. Your data could have been leaked over the year-plus that the vulnerability could have been accessed. There is no way to know if it has been compromised.

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