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Facebook and Your Privacy (Part 1)

Facebook and Your Privacy (Part 1)

Two billion users strong, Facebook is one of the Internet’s most popular websites… which has frequently put the tech giant in the spotlight when it comes to how secure the data you’ve entrusted to them (in addition to what they’ve collected) really is. Today, we’ll discuss how you can access the information Facebook has on you.

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Recent Data Breaches You Should Know

Recent Data Breaches You Should Know

Imagine for a second what would happen if your business’ data was exposed and stolen. You’d have a really difficult time going forward as your client-base dwindled and you opportunities for growth dried up. The amazing part is that some very successful companies have this type of thing happens all the time. Today, we will look at some of the largest data breaches since September 1.

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Protect Smartphones Like Any Other Computer

Protect Smartphones Like Any Other Computer

We go into great depth on how to protect your desktop and laptop computers from malware and other malicious threats. In fact, one of the first steps you take anytime you are setting up a new computer is to install antivirus and other security programs. You do this because an unprotected device presents substantial risk. With the way people are using their smartphones today, it’s a solid practice to outfit your mobile device with the security software needed to maintain the security of your data.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Signs of a Phishing Attempt

Tip of the Week: 3 Signs of a Phishing Attempt

Social engineering is a very important component of many modern cyberattacks, as the popularity of phishing scams goes to show. Protecting yourself from phishing scams will require you to be able to identify them. For today’s tip, we’ll go over a few warning signs that someone may be trying to phish you through your email.

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Office Gadgets to Add to Your Holiday Shopping List

Office Gadgets to Add to Your Holiday Shopping List

It’s the holiday season, which means many offices are holding gift swaps between employees. In the spirit of the holidays, we thought it would be helpful to share some gift ideas for the people you work with.

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