There are times when a specific task is asked of a server requiring all of its data to be moved. When this happens, all the files and applications are transferred to another server unit in a fascinating procedure called server migration.
There are times when a specific task is asked of a server requiring all of its data to be moved. When this happens, all the files and applications are transferred to another server unit in a fascinating procedure called server migration.
If your Dad happens to be a business owner, then you know how hard it can be to give him a nice Father's Day present. Business owners tend to be good at buying themselves whatever they need or want. Every business owner can benefit from IT services. It's the gift that keeps on giving!
Across the galaxy, Star Wars fans will be celebrating their beloved science fiction franchise on May 4th (May the fourth be with you). One of the most fascinating aspects about Star Wars is its space technology. As cool as lightsabers and blasters are, Star Wars tech can break down just like our modern space technology. Concerning technology repair, we think troubleshooting space tech in our day can be just as exciting as repairing space technology "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."
When we think of technology in terms of age, we often look at how long the machine has lasted for. Some machines from the mid-90's are still running, which makes them almost twenty years old. In terms of human life, that's not a very long time, but if you look at it in terms of quality working conditions, you'll find that these computers are kind of like dogs and cats. They may only be several years old, but in terms of actual age, their lifespan makes them much older than you realize.