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What Cloud Matches Your Needs: Public, Private, or Hybrid Cloud Solution?

b2ap3_thumbnail_which_cloud_400.jpgThe cloud is an innovation which is changing the way organizations handle the storage of their data and application management; yet, some businesses can’t tell the difference between public, private, or hybrid clouds.

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The Top 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Server Virtualization

b2ap3_thumbnail_virtualization_to_the_cloud_400.jpgIs your business taking advantage of server virtualization? It’s a popular solution that increases efficiency and minimizes risk. Yet, despite the well-known benefits of virtualization, there are still businesses that are hesitant to adopt it. Are you still on the fence about virtualization? Consider these top three reasons why server virtualization may be right for you.

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Budgeting Trends for IT in 2015

b2ap3_thumbnail_IT_budgeting_400.jpgAs the calendar fast approaches 2015, the topic of IT budgeting for the new year is a hot topic. It’s the time to decide how much you will spend in comparison to how much you should spend. Budgeting can be a difficult decision, especially if you’re a small business owner with a limited budget. Thankfully, you don’t have to take on this important part of business alone.

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How Are Modern Businesses Taking Advantage of the Cloud?

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computing_for_business_400.jpgFor the modern-day business owner, moving to the cloud means to take advantage of the several strategic advantages it offers. Companies no longer have to restrict themselves by relying on physical servers, desktops, or hardware. Most businesses see the value that cloud-based operations can offer them, and they are racing to take advantage of this fairly recent development. In fact, Joe McKendrick of Forbes magazine says that four-out-of-five small businesses will be based in the cloud in the near future.

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Public Cloud Computing: Right For Your Business, but Not For Jennifer Lawrence

b2ap3_thumbnail_confidential_files_leaked_400.jpgHow your business chooses to store its data is a major decision. You can implement a private cloud computing model and spend more on equipment and maintenance than you need to, or you can save money with a public cloud. Although, in light of the recent celebrity-nude-photo-iCloud hack, is the public cloud secure enough to host your company's data? Let's address this concern and explore your cloud computing options.

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