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Tip of the Week: Complex Password Practices

Tip of the Week: Complex Password Practices

With more people depending on technology, it stands to reason that there are more scams out there than ever before. The individuals (and groups) responsible will look for and exploit any vulnerability to attack your employees in order to get at your business’ critical data. Let’s take a look at a couple of tips that you can use to keep your passwords strong and your password-protected accounts secure. 

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Tip of the Week: Resize Rows in Excel

Tip of the Week: Resize Rows in Excel

Microsoft Excel is an amazing tool that gives you a ton of power over your spreadsheets and the data contained within, but the default size of each cell is a bit… small. You can adjust the size of these cells to suit your needs by adjusting the width and height of each column and row. Better yet, you can easily do it all at the same time without resizing each individual cell. Here’s how it’s done.

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Tip of the Week: Improving Business Productivity in Five Ways

Tip of the Week: Improving Business Productivity in Five Ways

“Improving productivity” is far from an unheard goal among business owners. What is less common, unfortunately, is a strategic plan to actually do it. We wanted to help, so we’ve assembled five strategies that can help improve productivity in the modern workplace.

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Tip of the Week: Four Technologies to Boost Your Business’ Success

Tip of the Week: Four Technologies to Boost Your Business’ Success

It shouldn’t be any surprise to hear us say it, but technology is one of the most effective means of supporting your business and its processes. Let’s dive into this idea and share a few tips that you can use to directly drive your business forward.

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Using Virtual Desktops in Windows 11

Using Virtual Desktops in Windows 11

More often than not, productivity is about getting right to work, with no distractions. One of the ways you can be more productive in the workplace is through the use of multiple desktops, something which can help you navigate multiple different tasks as you go about your day. Virtual desktops are something that even the average employee can use to improve productivity, and the features are available in Windows 11.

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