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What Star Wars can Teach About Mentorship

What Star Wars can Teach About Mentorship

The Star Wars saga has many recurring themes - the struggle between desire and destiny, good and evil, impulse and discipline. However, a theme that particularly stands out throughout the series is the examination of the relationship between student and teacher. This theme is similar to the relationship that an IT provider should strive to have with their clients.

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Perpetrators of Three Major Cyber Crimes Have Pled Guilty

Perpetrators of Three Major Cyber Crimes Have Pled Guilty

Every so often, it’s nice to hear about when the good guys win and cybercriminals get their comeuppance. Three such cybercriminals have entered guilty pleas to charges related to major cybersecurity events.

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Upgrading Your Technology? Be Careful of What You Do with the Old

Upgrading Your Technology? Be Careful of What You Do with the Old

Take a moment to look around you and take in the amount of technology surrounding you. How often do you think this technology is replaced, and what do you think happens to the old tech? There needs to be more thought and effort put into its disposal than just throwing out a hard drive that no longer seems to function. Unfortunately, the amount of e-waste shows that may be the preferred method of disposal.

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Using Cortana Gets Better with Customization

Using Cortana Gets Better with Customization

As Cortana has more and more added to its functionality, it gradually becomes more of a utility to all. Those who prefer to use Google’s applications are now able to use Cortana to augment their use of Gmail, Google Contacts, and Google Calendar. Today, we’ll go through how you can set these programs up to play nice with Cortana.

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Tip of the Week: Netflix Now Lets You Download Videos for Offline Viewing

Tip of the Week: Netflix Now Lets You Download Videos for Offline Viewing

The development of Netflix was revolutionary for its time, allowing users to stream a plethora of great television shows and movies on a whim. Nowadays, Netflix continues to innovate and create ways for users to take their services to places where they never thought possible. One example is taking Netflix on a flight, where the Wi-Fi is either completely unavailable, or too slow or expensive to be worth using. Netflix now allows users to download videos for offline viewing via its mobile app.

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