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Rick Dexter

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Rick Dexter is founder and CEO of NDYNAMICS. He has over 30 years of experience designing and supporting computer networks, particularly for small and mid-sized businesses seeking reliable and scalable IT infrastructure.

3 Noteworthy Technologies That Were Never Popular

3 Noteworthy Technologies That Were Never Popular

Sometimes technology just doesn’t take off. The industry might think that it’s a game changer, but the device or product itself may not live up to the hype surrounding it, forever leaving the product to compete with the impossible standards set by the hype. Today, we’re going to look at some of these particular concepts, as well as why we think they simply didn’t fit in with today’s innovation-filled environment.

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Updating the Whole Net Neutrality Situation

Updating the Whole Net Neutrality Situation

Net Neutrality in the United States has been a hot-button issue for almost anyone that uses the Internet. 2018 saw the 2005 principles governing the preservation of an open Internet repealed completely, leaving control over the Internet in the hands of huge companies that deliver Internet services to people. Today, we’ll go back over Net Neutrality and provide an update of what has happened since the Federal Communications Commission repeal of net neutrality laws.

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Tip of the Week: Do Yourself a Favor, Document Your Processes

Tip of the Week: Do Yourself a Favor, Document Your Processes

The average business has a lot of internal processes, and these processes are typically pretty concrete: to accomplish this task, follow steps A, B, and C, in that order. However, due to the sheer volume of processes like these, it helps to have these processes documented for the benefit of your future employees... and, if we’re being honest, your future self. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over the proper process for documenting a task.

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I Never Need to Call My Managed IT Provider, Do I Need Them?

I Never Need to Call My Managed IT Provider, Do I Need Them?

Business owners; ever sit down and run through all of your expenses and ask yourself (or your accountant) what you are actually paying for? We’ve been there. Technology expenses like hardware, software licensing, cloud hosting, management and maintenance, support, and service agreements all add up quickly and it makes it easy to question what you can trim to save money without sinking the ship, especially when you rarely need to call your current IT provider.

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What is Encryption, Anyways?

What is Encryption, Anyways?

You hear about encryption being used all the time, almost to the point of it being synonymous with security, but what does it really mean to have encryption on your business’ data and devices? We’ll walk you through how encryption can help you in your day-to-day struggle to secure the integrity of your organization’s communication and infrastructure.

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